1- i smell really nice 98% of the time and my redeveloped sense of smell can appreciate it.
2-coffee tastes really good. i'm really motivated to start cooking again, if for nothing else than to taste what my food really does taste like to normal people.
3-almonds, cinnamon gum, bubble gum, coffee, lollipops, baby carrots, and pretzel sticks are priceless when you've got a craving.
4-nicorette only prolongs the torture.
5-driving in my car is probably the hardest thing to do without a cigarette. i don't leave my house without good sing-a-long music, like danzig 1, 2 or 3. keeps the mind and the mouth and the fingers (drumming the steering wheel) busy.
6-going for a walk is the best way to kill a craving, especially if the weather is nice. it's spring here and between the warm sun, fragrant flowers and clean spring air, i'm really fucking happy when i get home and the craving is gone-