Ohhhh lucia, how i adore thee- seriously, that girl rocks! she did the most amazing shit to my hair, i'm completely reeling (it looks so much more ridiculously fabulous in person)! move over box colors, i'm sold on lucia!
i guess it was about the girliest day i've had in a long ass time. those specs on my head, they're marc jacobs, on clearance for 30 bones! for realll bitches! but it didn't stop there. did a little shoe shopping and scored these:
that's right. double dose of fuck-me shoes!
of course since i was on the prowl for lady biz i had to pick up some ooo-la-las for when t.h. returns, (not soon enough), but i'm just gonna let that one be a surprise.
ahh, now a little r-n-r before the rager that will start promptly at 10pm-
oh yeah, and i've been a knitting foool! finished that bitch of a black sweater and started another one, but since i lent t.h. my camera's memory card for his tour, i've got a 16mb pussy-shit one that holds a whopping 5 images-