I suck today. i'm such a puss. i think i fell asleep around 4:30 am last night, cause the last time i remember looking at my clock it was around 4:25, and then my alarm went off at 5. i got 30 minutes of sleep. i feel like i've been snorting coke for a week and now i have to go to work while i'm coming down. and my face is puffy cause i was crying a lot last night.
it's all because of this stupid movie:
how can a movie do that to me? it shouldn't have even been that scary. i mean the idea of people you don't know wanting to terrorize and kill you is frightening, but it was just a bunch of jumpy scenes. but i couldn't sleep last night. my dog freaked out every time i was drifting asleep. that made it even worse. the girls that live downstairs weren't home, the bf wouldn't come over, so i was alone. alone and insanely terrified.
now i've had too much caffeine, and it's not even working except for making me twitch. then i left my house and the stairwell smelled like a tasty combo of burning hair and cat pee. i'm convinced there's a dead body in my basement, but there's no way in hell i'm going to go and see.
i got to work and tried to drop off a bunch of electronic junk for recycling (old laptop, printer, 2 cellphones and an ass load of batteries). however since i work in a corporate compound, after aimlessly wandering for 20 minutes i finally found the lot where the drop off was. i bolted for the door and set off some massive security alarm. i just kept walking. when i came back into the 'ranch' at another entrance, the security guard asked me if it was me that set off the alarm and then proceeded to scold, yes, literally scold me about security breeches. almost made me cry.
now i'm sitting in my cube, and i find out that we're moving locations on thursday and i'm completely separated from my group. yup, gonna be stuck in the middle of nowhere, away from all windows, surrounded by people i don't know.
kind of want to go home and lock myself in my bedroom for a month.
everyone sucks right now-