so tomorrow starts my two-week detox. i'm trying not to think of all of the crap that i heart-to-death that i'll be giving up, and instead am looking at this on more of a metaphysical level: purging my body of years of toxins and things that will eventually cause my demise, and also getting that junk out of my head. i'm gonna detox the shit out of my procrastination, lethargy, and plain old laziness. haul out the yoga mats bitches, it's time to get olivia-newton-john-style physical. no more relying on my miraculous metabolism, it's time to break a sweat. on top of that, if you know me, you'll be shocked, but i'm giving up the booze too (except for organic red wine on weekends, that's basically mouthwash anyway). the smokes aren't taking a hike but a hiatus. by the end of the next two weeks expect to see a perkier, fitter me who has hopefully landed a new job (fingers, toes and butt cheeks crossed). but until then, you will probably find me on my throne...

wish me the buddha's luck- i've gotta finish "cleaning" out my fridge, aka-eating all of my temptation-junk-food and guzzling the rest of that svedka-