oh shit! my prescriptions cost $800/month without insurance, there are no generic versions available, and I HAVE TO TAKE THEM TO SURVIVE! if i have to go to the doctor, which i'm supposed to every 4 months at least, it's gonna cost me $860 without insurance! sooooo, option one, sign up on a private insurance right? WRONG! i have a pre-existing condition and can not be covered. Hmmm, ok, well what about all of those state-sponsored programs right? WRONG! 1-I make to much to be covered on most of them, and the ones I could qualify for are bunk! you know why? because, i have a pre-existing condition, as previously stated, and i would have to pay the premium ($156-$250/month) for 6 months before they would cover any of my diabetes related expenses...yeah. so my only options are as follows: get a different job (as the insurance agent so bluntly emailed me), get a part-time job at starbucks (her idea also, apparently they give benefits to anyone), or sign up on a cobra plan through my current job. I guess that's what's going to happen even though it's about $500 a month... so unless anyone wants to marry me and share their health care, i might just start working the corner to come up with the extra $500 a month i need to literally, survive. if you see me in gold lame leggings and a mesh belly shirt, slip me a 5 spot, or something. puh-leeze!!!
the thing that sucks most of all, is the reason i went for this new job is because the pay would be fantastic and at my current job, if i had decided to stay, i would need to get another part time job just to pay the bills. now with my new fabulous job i'm going to have to do the same thing. it kind of feels like i'm just digging myself into this hole.
ps-europe is starting to look mighty fine...