Monday, February 11, 2008


In honor of today being the anniversary of one of my life-long love's passing, I bunkered down and watched Sylvia last night with a pile of snot rags and my cuddle puppy. I'm not a huge fan of hollywood biopics, and even though i knew very well how the film would end, that final scene wrecked me, WRECKED! t.h. called from LA just as the final credits were rolling and i was balling my eyeballs out, heaving with sobs. poor guy, he thought something was actually wrong. nope, just a crazy, hormone filled girlfriend who hasn't gotten any Teddy KBG love in too long.
then, just to put the final nail in the coffin for a wretched day, kelly-luv-bunny emails me this:
if you see me at target in the film aisle, just know i'm ready to throw a punch to get the last of that shit-
my heart is slowly mending-