Thursday, January 17, 2008

what?, no seriously, WHAT???

first, watch it--

ok, now when i was sweet-as-pie 15, last thing on my mind was having a baby. in fact, the last, LAST thing on my mind now-a-days is squeezing one out. not only that, but girlfriend claims to be having sex with three different dudes right now? she must just be a walking cesspool of herpa-gono-syphil-aids. nice, that means if one of those swimmers latches onto one of her bottom-of-the-gene-pool eggs and actually creates a tiny monster that she by some miracle manages to carry to term, that baby's gonna have an std before it even knows what hit him.
another thing, why is it that the people who should NOT be procreating their miserable genes, always seem to have seamless pregnancies. if there was a god, he would not allow that to happen. unless he has a really sordid sense of humor, and loathes what's become of earth and humans (which he should) and therefore is just fucking with us.
thanks a lot god.
ps i heart Missbehave Magazine!!!